Conference will held on 27th-28th November, 2025


About AIST 2025

Building on the resounding success of its previous six editions (AIST2019, AIST2020, AIST2021, AIST2022, AIST2023, and AIST2024), Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) is all set to host the 7th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technology (AIST2025) on 27th-28 th November, 2025. The past conferences have attracted leading researchers, academicians, and industry experts in AI and speech technology from prestigious institutions across the globe, including Japan, Australia, France, Germany, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Austria, Vietnam, and many more.
With breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Speech Technology, these fields are revolutionizing everything from user- facing virtual assistants to behind-the-scenes workflow automation. AI-powered solutions, such as highly accurate speech recognition systems, are enhancing our ability to understand and process natural language. These innovations are already making waves in fields as diverse as healthcare (e.g., supporting speech-impaired individuals), forensics, academia, and beyond.
AIST2025 will feature a dynamic mix of paper presentations, hands-on tutorials, and inspiring keynote addresses from some of the brightest minds in the field, making it a must-attend event for anyone passionate about the future of AI and speech technology.

Expert Talks on the Future of AI, Deep Learning, & Speech Technology

In parallel with AIST2025, a series of in-depth tutorials on Deep Learning and Speech Technology will be held, designed to foster both practical skills and a deep understanding of these cutting-edge fields. Expert academicians, researchers, and practitioners will lead these sessions, providing valuable insights into the latest advancements and real-world applications of these technologies. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on learning while gaining a strong conceptual foundation in the rapidly evolving landscape of Deep Learning and Speech Technology.


The proceedings will be submitted for potential publication in a renowned series with indexing in SCOPUS and WoS.

Call For Papers

Like the previous six versions, 7th AIST 2025 is dedicated to cutting edge research that addresses scientific needs of academic researchers and industrial professionals to explore new horizons of knowledge related to Artificial Intelligence and Speech Technologies

Track 1 : Spoken Language Processing
  • Speech-to-Speech Translation
  • Spoken Dialogue Systems
  • Spoken Language Recognition and Understanding
  • Speech and Language Resources – Data Collection, Transcription and Annotation
  • Computational Resource Constrained Speech
  • Emotions detection and recognition
  • Speech processing tools for dialectic languages
  • Accent recognition and verification


31st August, 2025

Paper Submission Deadline

30th September, 2025

Final Acceptance Notification

31st October, 2025

Registration Deadline

27th-28th November, 2025

Conference Dates


  • Steering Committee
  • Technical Program Committee
  • Local Organizing Committee

General Chair

Prof. Ranjana Jha, Vice Chancellor, IGDTUW, Delhi, India

Organizing Chair

Prof. Arun Sharma, Dean Academic Affairs and Professor, IGDTUW, Delhi, India

Organizing Co-Chair

Technical Program Committee Chair

Technical Program Committee Co-Chair

Publication Chair

Publication Co-Chair

Publicity Chair

Technical Program Committee

Professor Bjoern Schuller, Imperial College London

Prof. Subramaniam Ganesan, Oakland University, USA

Dr. Samiya Khan, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom

Dr. Omid Mahdi Ebadati, Kharazmi University, South Mofatteh Ave., Tehran

Dr. P.C. Ching, Chinese University of HONGKONG, (CHINA)

Dr. Hiroya Fujisaki, Tokyo University, (JAPAN)


Dr. Bin Ma, Institute for Infocomm Research, (SINGAPORE)

Dr. Hsin-Min Wang, IIS, Academia Sinica, (TAIWAN)

Dr. Ashish Seth, Inha University, (TASHKENT)

Dr. Mirna Adriani, UI, (INDONESIA)

Dr. Syed A. Hossain, Professor, ULAB, Bangladesh

Dr. Nick Campbell, Trinity College Dublin, (IRELAND)

Dr. Laurent Besacier, Principal Scientist, Naver Labs Europe, France

Dr. Vinod Shukla, Amity University, (DUBAI)

Dr. Ravinder Kumar, Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Palwal

Dr. Sunita Arora, CDAC, (INDIA)

Dr. Ashwani Kumar, IGDTUW, Delhi

Ms Anu Khosla, SAG DRDO, (INDIA)

Dr. S. K. Shrivastava, Head-TDIL, DRDO, (INDIA)

Dr. S. K. Jain, Director General, CFSL, (INDIA)

Dr. Anuj Sharma, Punjab University, Chandigarh (INDIA)

Dr. Deepak Garg, Bennett University, (INDIA)

Dr. Mani Madhukar, IBM India Pvt. Ltd, (INDIA)

Dr. Pramod Yadav, NIT Srinagar (INDIA)

Dr. Kamini Malhotra, SAG, DRDO, (INDIA)

Dr. Ankush Jain, NSUT, New Delhi (INDIA)

Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Thapar University, (INDIA)

Dr. Rajesh Tyagi, SRM University NCR, (INDIA)

Dr. Shrddha Sagar, Galgotias University, (INDIA)

Dr. Arun Kumar, IIIT-Delhi, (INDIA)

Dr. P. K. Saxena, PSA, PMO, (INDIA)

Dr. Sunil Tyagi, Directorate of Naval Design (SDG), IHQ MOD(Navy) Delhi, (INDIA)

Dr. Arun Kumar, Jubail Univ., SA

Dr. Anup Girdhar, Sedulity Solutions, Delhi, (INDIA)

Dr. Vishal Bhatnagar, NSUT, Delhi, (INDIA)

Dr. Geeta Sharma, Mewar University, Rajasthan, (INDIA)

Dr. Sakriani Sakti, NAIST, (JAPAN)

Dr. Jianhua Tao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CHINA)

Dr. Alexey Karpov, SPIIRAS, (RUSSIA)

Dr. Sebastian Stüker, KIT, (GERMANY)

Dr. Eric Castelli, MICA, (VIETNAM)

Dr. Etienne Barnard, NWU, (SOUTH AFRICA)

Dr. Claudia Soria, ILC-CNR, (ITALY)

Local Organizing Committee

Dr. Ranu Gadi, IGDTUW, (INDIA)

Dr. A.K. Mohapatra, IGDTUW (INDIA)

Dr. Mohona Ghosh, IGDTUW, (INDIA)

Dr. Bhawna Narwal, IGDTUW,(INDIA)

Ms. Shreshtha Singh, COE-AI, IGDTUW, (INDIA)


Registration Details

Indian Authors

Faculty Members/Industry Professionals ₹ 9000/-
IEEE Members ₹ 7000/-
Students ₹ 8000/-
IEEE Student Members ₹ 6000/-
Delegates (Non Authors/Additional Authors) ₹ 5000/-

Foreign Authors

Faculty Members/Industry Professionals USD 250
IEEE Members USD 120
Students USD 150
IEEE Student Members USD 75
Delegates (Non Authors/Additional Authors) USD 100

Bank Details

Name Registrar IRD IGDTUW
Bank Name Punjab and Sind Bank
Account Number 09001000020372
IFSC PSIB0001098

About the University

  • Ranking of University

    • Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women (IGDTUW) has been conferred with ISO 9001:2015 Certification on 25.09.2019

    • The most prestigious universities for Women in India, IGDTUW has taken a top spot and ranked 2nd in category of “HEIs for Women (Govt. and Govt. Aided)” in Atal Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievement (ARIIA) 2020, by the honourable Vice President of India on 18th August 2020.

    • IGDTUW has upgraded its position from 162 to 145th in the National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) Ranking for the academic year 2020-2022 among the top National Engineering colleges.

    • IGDTUW have made a debut among top Universities in the “World’s Universities with Real Impact (WURI)” Ranking, “WURI: Innovative Universities for 2020” with 77th position and also bagged the rank 21 in the special category “Entrepreneurial Spirit” of WURI 2020 ranking.

  • Acheivements of the year

    • This year in 2020, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women has been aggregated under All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) for all the under-graduate and post-graduate programmes [except M. Plan (Urban Planning)]

    • IGDTUW is well known for its best teaching rating and excellent research records. It offers various disciplines of courses for graduate, undergraduate and doctorate in field of engineering. With over 3000 students and 1,50 staff, it becomes one of the top-ranking women universities in India. It is approved by the University Grant Commission (UGC) of India. IGDTUW is now recognized under University Grant Commission (UGC). This year IGDTUW achieved 12B UGC grant dated 9th Sept. 2020

    • IGDTUW has been awarded with QS I-GAUGE E-LEAD (E-Learning Excellence for Academic Digitization) certification for excellence in conducting online training and Learning process.

    • Under QS I-Gauge (Indian Colleges and University Rating) Rating, Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women has been awarded with a “Diamond University” Rating on 30th September 2020. The university has achieved this award through its rigorous performance under the abled leadership of the honourable Vice-Chancellor of IGDTUW, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Dev.

    • IGDTUW has been conferred with Sushma Swaraj STREE (Serene Tenacious Reverberating Enchanting Empowering) SHAKTI SAMMAN award on 25th Sept. 2020 owing to its vision and outstanding commitment.

    • The University has set up the “Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence” with the grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) within the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India

    • The University has set up the “Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence” with the grant from the Department of Science and Technology (DST) within the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India

    • “Women in Big Data™ (WiBD)” International chapter in IGDTUW for enhancing women representation in Big Data. IGDTUW launched its first global not-for-profit global organization out to champion the success of Women in Big Data™ (WiBD) centre and an International chapter to enhance and increase women’s representation in Big Data.

    • The University has been granted with funding of 8 Crores from Delhi Knowledge Development Fund (DKDF) for establishment of Centre of Excellence in Mechatronics

    • The University has been granted with funding of 7.50 Crores from Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, for establishment of Centre of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence in the University with building high tech, and quality AI equipped hardware and Software resources.

  • Courses Offered By University
    Under graduate Programmes

    B. Tech - CSE (Artificial Intelligence)

    B. Tech (CSE)

    B. Tech (IT)

    B. Tech (ECE)

    B. Tech (MAE)

    Dual Degree (B.Tech - MAE + MBA)


    Post graduate Programmes

    M. Tech - CSE (AI)

    M. Tech - IT (ISM)

    M. Tech (R & A)

    M. Tech - ECE (VLSI)

    M. Plan (Urban Planning)



    Doctoral Programmes

    Electronics & Communication

    Computer Science & Engineering

    Information Technology

    Mechanical Engineering

    Electrical Engineering

    Applied Sciences & Humanities

  • Departments By IGDTUW

    Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)
    The Department of Computer Science and Engineering offers B. Tech in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and M. Tech CSE (Artificial intelligence) and Ph.D. in all emerging areas of computer science.

    Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
    The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) provide dynamic and quality engineering for Women. In the existing scenario of rapid and sophisticated development in the field of Electronics and Communications and its allied fields, the Department’s intent and focus has always been to globally produce competitive and socially sensitized engineering for graduates and post-graduates. The department also focus to bring out quality research in the emerging areas of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

    Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering (MAE)
    The Department of Mechanical & Automation Engineering (MAE) offers B. Tech in Mechanical & Automation Engineering, M. Tech in Robotics Automation & Ph.D. in different specializations of Mechanical & Automation Engineering.

    Department of Information Technology (IT)
    The Department of Information Technology (IT) has shown incomparable innovation, research aptitude, industry linkage, intellectual talent, technical and problem-solving skills through active participation of Faculty, Research Scholars and Students at National and International level.

    Department of Architecture & Planning
    The Department of Architecture & Planning (approved under Council of Architecture) provides a Bachelor’s Degree program in Architecture (B. Arch.) with an intake of 40 young creative minds each year. The students have to qualify JEE mains (Paper 2) and apply through JAC for admission. The Department has also introduced a two year full-time Postgraduate Master of Planning (Urban Planning) program from 2019 with an intake of 23 students.

    Department of Applied Sciences and Humanities (ASH)
    The Department provides and imparts quality education in the area of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Soft Skills & Communication and Management to the future technocrats of all streams. Strong engineering background supported with sound knowledge in basic and applied sciences equips graduates with many skills that would contribute to their success in their careers in academics, research and industry.

    Department of Management
    The Department is currently running a BBA program and is launching a new two-year full-time MBA program starting from Academic Session 2020-21 in order to cater to the growing industry need for Management graduates, with technical background.

  • Incubation Center of University

    IGDTUW Anveshan Foundation is a section 8 company promoted by Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women to create an entrepreneurial culture, to promote startups an intellectual property creation that can lead to the value creation, employment for inclusive and sustainable development. It is recognized by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Gol as Technical Business Incubator.

    ANVESHAN FOUNDATION has been formed as an independent corporate entity to enable sufficient flexibility and quicker response time and to bring in best of the professional practices for benefit of upcoming entrepreneurs. IGDTUW- Anveshan Foundation was incorporated on 13th October 2016, formed as a Section 8 company under the Indian Companies Act 2015, it is completely owned by IGDTUW.

    ANVESHAN FOUNDATION is an outcome of Incubation Policy from Govt. of NCT, Delhi. Under this policy, initially 6 institutes from Delhi were selected to develop incubation centre within the institute, with an objective to provide a progressive and comprehensive platform to the entrepreneurs.

  • IGDTUW Student Placement Review

    The Placement Season for the batch 2019-20 started with the high note and more than 80 companies visited the campus for about 277 Full Time Offers, 43 pre-placement Offers and more than 173 internship offers. Thus about 465 offers were received by students in the year 2019-20 during the On-Campus Drives. The CTC of Rs.43.3 Lakhs from Microsoft IDC and internship package of Rs.1.5 Lakhs per month from Uber were the highest in each category.

    It is a matter of stupendous pride to share that compared to the last year 2018-19, there has been a rise in average CTC from 10.3 Lakhs per annum to 13.33 Lakhs per annum and a rise in highest package from 41.6 Lakhs to 43.3 Lakhs.

    Many of our students have been placed in renowned National and Multinational companies. We are honoured to have corporate giants like Google, Microsoft, Uber, Intuit, Goldman Sachs, American Express, Walmart, Netapp, Cisco, GE, Nestle, Siemens, Accenture , TCS, DELL, Qualcomm, Mahindra & Mahindra, Maruti , Honda, Bajaj Automobile, MG Motor, Tata Motors, Nestle, Eaton, HUL, Ather Energy, Siemens, Honeywell, Cameron, Fluor Daniel, and list is endless, visiting us annually and offering great opportunities to our students. In the Placement Season 2020-21 till now, more than 300 full time offers and about 203 internship offers (for summer internship-2022) have been bagged by the students. This season, till date, the highest annual package offering for full time is 59.45 Lakhs CTC by Google-India, with internship package of 1.6 Lakh, by Uber for the 2025 summers. The placement season started on a high note with more than 55% of the current FTE offers being above 14 Lakhs CTC (so far) and a commendable increase in the number of Pre-Placement Offers.

Contact Us

How to Reach

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTUW)
Madrasa Road, St. James Church
Kashmere Gate, New Delhi, Delhi-110006, India

By Plane

  • Nearest airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport

By Car

  • You can travel by car as well to avoid crowded locations

By Train

  • Nearest railway station is Old Delhi Railway Station

By Bus

  • Nearest bus stop is Inter State Bus Terminal (ISBT).